Sissy Transformation - Where is your goal? (including the test of courage) (CherieNoir)

I'm curious, sissy! How much is your passion anchored in you? How big is your desire to become a horny and sexy erotic Fickpussy? Would you have your lips sprayed? Or are you just occasionally a little sissy who secretly stuffs her asshole with dildos? I am very interested in how far you want to go and go! To give this whole question and your brain a little kick, you also get directly a little test of courage from me that you CAN fulfill. Not necessary, but CAN. You want to do it but you do not dare? Think of me! YOU are finally anxious to refuse me any wishes! I am looking forward to the evidence that I will receive! I enjoy following you on your way as a sissy, taking you by the hand and leading you. But that works only if we know your approximate goal!

Starring: CherieNoir
Categories: Female Domination, Fetish, Shemale/TV/TS
Length: 6:42
Type: FLV


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