Finally it will piss again! I had invited NEN user home who was totally pissing. I gladly fulfilled this wish! I pissed him pretty massive full ... whether in the mouth, on his cock or his whole body! OMG he enjoyed that! After that was first blown beautifully bepisster tail. Since I also stand on NS, of course, I got a nice load from him ... What else happened you see in this mega wet clip!

(Attention dominant!) For you, you are nothing more than a seed production machine. I regularly milk you to harvest your ejaculate. I have so various things: seed bank, food for my slaves. Now I know that you do not deliver grade as sub grade, but this is clearly just about the quantity. It must be milked a lot and regularly, if necessary, I also have to lend a hand myself. I treat you like livestock and can make you really mess with sometimes, so you deliver. Get used to it! It will not be easier for you but in the end I ALWAYS get what I want !!!

I'm eating at the restaurant and there's a young guy who wants to get an autograph from me. Of course that honors me a lot .. hmmm if I still have some in my car? My fan accompanies me in the underground car park ... unfortunately I had to put him off .. but he does not look so bad .. maybe he comes there as an option yes, a fuck in the parking garage contrary ..... He comes Fuck me in public .. yes is a small fetish of mine ... That I leave him after my ride to climax simply lie with his still hard cock .. he probably did not expect.

Actually, I just wanted to shoot a short solo in beautiful weather but I've probably picked the wrong cameraman. After I played a little on my pussy and then pushed me a dildo in the ass, I realized that the Lord was not quite in the thing. I quickly realized why. The sow had thick NEN and played around on the tail ... well what do I think ?! The result you see in the movie :-p

Actually, we wanted to make a cozy game night, but since I was never good at playing cards, I lost very quickly the desire for this game. Since I've been up since then Mega was cool and had already played around tomorrow in the shower around me, I tried the game just to turn around because I was out of sheer lust almost last and my pussy was already really wet. But unfortunately, my hot game partner's term is not that I want to feel him and his hot cock now absolutely. So I started playing with him to make him realize that I'm really hot right now. I put everything on a map and started to pamper myself a bit. I was so excited if he loved me as much as I did him. What do you think? Who won at the end of this game?